For a fun change this morning, we had pancakes with fresh strawberries and whipping cream, YUMMO! Gotta take advantage of these lazy mornings cuz the rushed ones start up again in less than a week!!! I should really make a point of getting up earlier everyday. I say that every year, perhaps this is my year. Hmph, we'll see.
Michael started football yesterday, and he's loving it! So great to see him love it so much, cuz guess what ~ 3 practices per week @ 1.5 hours each and a game every week too!! *sigh* Glad one of us is happy to be there so much!! *giggle* I have no pics yet cuz I forgot to take my camera yesterday....I will today ~ they practice right beside a lake, prettiest place I've ever seen for a sports practice! Didn't rain on us last night until the last 5 minutes, so no complaining here. Hope the sun shows itself for most of the practice again tonight!!!
And one last thing, I'm going to post a pic of a LO I just finished. Kinda fun, pics from Easter '05 of the kids on their Egg hunt.....Michael, Janaye, Finleigh, Nicole and Zack :D Not sure that we'd catch them all walking around with ice cream pails on their heads now though. They've all grown up and changed a lot since then.
And on that note, I am off for another day, been trying to post more often have you noticed???
YUMMO! I would love some pickles and pepper sauce. Just beautiful.