This is Thomas, giving me "the evil eye." He is the cutest little dude, I'm tellin' ya!! Just totally makes me LOL all the time!!!!
So we are finally home, phew!!! After almost a 6 week "vacay," we are finally home and loving it, it's even been dry since we got here! WoOhOo! Rained for 5 weeks of our 5 1/2 week holiday, sickening!! So totally sickening. *shakes head*
We spent 2 weeks in Bissett while Ry worked and it rained every single day except for 2, out of 14 days, that wasn't very much fun. On the upside (?) we bought a new camper so we "camped" but in all honesty I think that may have been more enjoyable without all the wetness and mud! UGH! Looking forward to parking the camper next summer though and having somewhere to go and hang out whenever we want!!
We also spent some time in Winnipeg and got in lots of good visits with family and friends!! Spent some time at Grand Beach and some time in Roblin too. Always nice to hang out at the farm with Gram and Gramps and just relax!
Came home to a HUGE amount of cucumbers, so I've been making pickles of all sorts over the past few days!! I've made dill pickles, hot dill pickles, dill beans, hot dill beans, pickled jalapenos and will do more dills as the cucs continue to grow....the patch was all picked as of yesterday but with the nice weather we've been having, there will be a few more jars out there in a couple days! I have a whole cupboard full of pickles and half the stove top too, good thing I love to can stuff!!!! Also going to do some pizza sauce I'm thinking once the tomatoes are ready!! I have some orange ones so should have nice red ones pretty soon!!!!
Anyway, I have mounds of stuff to do around the house still, one of which is sorting thru the mail that Mike and I opened today....6 weeks of bills to pay and stuff to file, when I say the stack of papers is 3 inches high, I am not kidding!!! Craziness, too bad it's bills and not cheques :)
Have a wonderful week, one more week from today and Mike is back in school for another year! Grade 6, woah, how did that happen?? We packed all his school supplies and new shoes etc into his back pack today, so he's all ready to go, as for me, ready too!!! *grin*
Must go, I have laundry calling my name......
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